Great teams just don't happen, they take purposeful effort.

Transforming teams worldwide: In:sync Transformations provides strategic business development and team transformation consulting services to leading organizations across the globe. Our programs are designed to achieve measurable results at the individual, team, department, and organizational levels.

We help small to large organizations tackle one of the most challenging, yet rewarding aspects of corporate culture - teamwork. Just like effective leadership, teams require nurturing to make them soar. But once the do, they can achieve anything.

Some examples of programs we've developed:

  • Merger and Acquisition/New Team Formation and Effectiveness.
  • Cultural Assessments and Alignment.
  • Trust, Conflict, Commitment, and Accountability.
  • Break the Silos.
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Creating a Coaching Culture in the Workplace.
  • Connection through Company Values.
  • Manager Communication.
  • Managing through Change.

Get in touch! You can reach out to Michael to discuss opportunities to support you or click "Schedule a call with us" to book a meeting.

Michael Triolo-Sapp, PCC


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